segunda-feira, 19 de novembro de 2007


A revista L´Histoire( 323, setembro de 2007) publicou resenha do livro Jesus de Nazáre. Interessante artigo- resenha do Malise Ruthven no The New York Review of Books(November 8, 2007) sobre o islamismo. Entre os livros resenhados, mais um catatau do Hans Kung. Segundo Ruthven ‘in the history of religions’, asks Kung ‘did any religion pursue a victorious course as rapid , far-reaching, tenacious and permanent as that of Islan? Scarcely one. So is it any wonder that to the present day Muslin pride is rooted in the experience of the early period…’ Ainda mais interessante é a conclusão( after an extensive survey of the best literature available in European languages)do Kung sobre Jihad ‘ The apologetic argument often advanced by Muslin that armed jihad refers only to wars of defence cannot be maintained. It is contradicted by the testimonies of the Islamic chroniclers, who show that the jihad was of the utmost political and military significance. It is hard to imagine a more effective motivation for a war than the struggle… which furthers God´s cause against the unbelievers”.