sexta-feira, 13 de novembro de 2009

Characterizations of Philosophy or Philosophizing

É sobre filosofia, mas poderia se aplicado a economia...

The relation between science and philosophy is like the symbiotic relationship between the countryside and town. The former provides the latter with food receiving garbage in return.

L. Kolokowski

What is the use of studying philosophy if all that it does for you is to enable you to talk with some plausibility about some abstruse questions of logic...if it does not improve your thinking about the important questions of everyday life?


Metaphysics is almost always an attempt to prove the incredible by an appeal to the unintelligible.


It’s not things, it’s philosophers that are simple/

J.L. Austin

I can stand brute force, but brute reason is quite unbearable. There is something unfair about its use. It is hitting below the intellect.

Oscar Wilde

If, while making love, a woman says "faster" I will try. But if she says "deeper" she had better be looking for philosophy.


Of course pragmatism is true; the trouble is it doesn’t work.

S. Morgenbesser

In relation to their system most systemizers are like a man who builds an enormous castle and lives in a shack nearby.


There are two styles of philosophers: e.g. philosophers and i.e. philosophers - illustrators and explicators. Illustrators trust, first and foremost, striking examples, in contrast with explicators, who trust, first and foremost, definitions and general principles.

A Margalit

To have a system is to lack integrity.
