sábado, 24 de maio de 2008

Poder de persuasão

Interessante artigo sobre a participação da Igreja em debates na esfera política. A reflexão é feita a partir da experiência britanica, mas é útil, também, para o Brasil.

Does the Church have the right to try to influence political processes, such as the Human Fertilisation and Embryology Bill? And if so, how? A new report from a Christian think tank sets out how the Church should engage in modern politics

What is the easiest way to win an argument? You might choose to undermine your opponent's logic, discredit their facts or show how ghastly things would be if they had their way. But surely the easiest way is simply to deny them a voice in the first place.
It has been interesting to see how this tactic has been deployed in debates over the recent Human Fertilisation and Embryology Bill. Few use it quite that blatantly, of course, but if your opponents are religious, it is so much easier to deploy the "religion is private" card than actually to engage with their arguments.

Para ler o artigo completo:Powers of persuasion