sexta-feira, 29 de agosto de 2008

What is Western Cultural Identity? Three Examples, Three Disputes

O artigo, de autoria do Thomas Storck, discute um tópico que é ignorado, como era de se esperar, pelo pensamento hegemônico em Perdizes: a indentidade cultural ocidental. A própria expressão é tabu por estas bandas, parte, em razão da sua ligação com os anos de chumbo, mas, também, devido a sua relação com a cristandade. O artigo foi publicado no períodico "New Blackfriars", vol.89, issue 1019, 2008. O acesso é livre, basta clicar em "get sample copy"

The concept of cultural identity is illustrated by the example of Latin America. At the same time Latin America is shown to be a true part of the Western world and understandable only as such, and the reasons for other cultural identifications of Latin America are examined.
Then the cultural development and identity of the West as a whole is considered, with special reference to two competing accounts of Western cultural development, both of which focus chiefly on the economic development of Europe and North America, in contrast to its cultural or spiritual roots. Finally the special case of the United State is looked at, and it is asked how her peculiar self-understanding affects her cultural identity as part of the Western world.