terça-feira, 25 de novembro de 2008

A política econômica do New Deal e a crise de 29.

Com a crise atual a crise de 29 e, principalmente, o New Deal tornaram-se o foco do debate sobre as soluções para os atuais problemas econômicos. Conhecer um pouco sobre este período é vital, para evitar as tolices, repetidas, sem pensar pela turma que se passa por economista em Barão Geraldo, Perdizes e alhures. O artigo do Tyler Cowen, no NYtimes, é um bom começo.

"MANY people are looking back to the Great Depression and the New Deal for answers to our problems. But while we can learn important lessons from this period, they’re not always the ones taught in school.

The traditional story is that President Franklin D. Roosevelt rescued capitalism by resorting to extensive government intervention; the truth is that Roosevelt changed course from year to year, trying a mix of policies, some good and some bad. It’s worth sorting through this grab bag now, to evaluate whether any of these policies might be helpful.

If I were preparing a “New Deal crib sheet,” I would start with the following lessons:

Para ler o resto do artigo aqui.